Research & Development and Other Products

Well Head Top Drives up to 400 HP. ATEX certified
CAN-K is involved in research in the following areas:
- Development and testing of Top Drive Twin Screw Pumps using rods to run Twin Screw Pumps
- Rigless ESTSP
- Permanent magnet motor of 280°C ambient with 562 motor being developed for CAN-K by a separate company
- Rotating Blow Out Preventer for underbalanced drilling
- Directional drilling power section using multiple all metal screws for high temperature applications
- Pressure compensated drilling for subsea applications
- Various thrust and radial bearing technology
- Run any downhole rotating pump with rods (DRS patented tool), including twin screw multiphase pumps
CAN-K DRS Tool (Patented)
- No axial load because of the pump
- No rod breakage and run pump up to 1500 rpm without any gear box
- Minimize Tubing wear
- Install similar to PCP
- Land vertical, slanted or horizontal
- Remove stretch automatically